
Thursday, November 18, 2010

HP7: Deathly Hallows!

Tonight I am going to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  Its a tradition for Matt and I to go to the midnight showing of each Potter film.  I think we've done it for all of them except the first two (if I could turn back time...!)  We wait in line with tons of folks, young and old(ish), and we are all excited for what we are about to see.  This year will be no different, except...I have already seen it!

A couple of days ago, Warner Brothers held a sneak screening at LA Live, and Matt asked his cousin Robert- the most awesome person ever- to get us in.  Our names were put on the list, and we were treated like WB execs! We got all kinds of royal treatment, not to mention, the best seats in the house! Tonight's showing we might not get as lucky with our seats- but it will have different perks... like fans in costume!

Don't want to discuss the actual movie- which was great, and different, and exciting- but it had to make it onto the happy blog.  I mean, there are few things that give me instant gratification like a good movie, and a Harry Potter movie, well, that takes the happy to a whole other level. Especially one on a big screen! And I am still super excited to see it tonight, everything went by so fast the first time!

On a little side note- Robert, the most awesome person ever, has come through a lot for us before, especially when it comes to Harry Potter. So thanks Robert, for all the awesomeness and for giving me so much happy!

1 comment:

  1. Jealous, jealous, JEALOUS!! I've been counting the days until I get to see it. Similar to you and Matt, I have an HP tradition of my own ... I always wait until the second week it's out, pack a picnic lunch and then go to a weekday matinee all by myself when the theater is typically empty. Anal, yes, but very few people understand my need for 100% focus when it comes to HP. Andrew went to Prisoner of Azkaban with me but asked questions throughout the whole movie so he's been stripped of his first viewing rights. Perhaps I'll lift the ban for Deathly Hallows 1 if he promises not to talk :-)

    Love your blog btw!
