
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Charlie's Hat

I promised to make Matt a hat.  I even dragged him to a yarn store to pick out the yarn! I worked away, without a pattern, to come up the perfect little sock hat for him to wear on the slopes in Tahoe... but that is not what I made.  When I took the hat off the needles, it was so small! I thought it would stretch out, but it wasn't close to being big enough to fit on Matt's adult head. This was a hat better suited for a baby!

I had plans to make Charlie a different hat, from my Charmed Knits book... and I still might (after I try again for Matt, of course).  But for Christmas, Charlie got this little hat:

I think he liked it! It was almost too small for him too! (I really had my gauge off!) I think he liked the box of ginger chews better ;)

Cutie Pie!
For Charlie's hat, I used an organic, cottage hand-dyed yarn on size 8 straight needles.  I made a few rows of ribbing and then did the rest in stockinette.  Once I thought it was tall enough, I started decreasing every few stitches on the RS until the edge was about 2-3 inches long.  Then I cast off, whipstitched the seams and closed the top off.

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