
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tree Faces

Someone once told me, "See one tree and you've seen them all." But I must politely (or not so politely) disagree.  Trees are wonderful. They can be old and majestic, gnarled and spooky, pretty and sprightly, anything really! Trees are as diverse as the rest of us living organisms. 

Don't worry if you are still unable to appreciate the individual "personalities" of trees, there is help on the way. Certain trees have donned human faces to facilitate understanding between themselves and us humans.  Here are a few pictures of tree faces that have volunteered to participate in this blog post in the hopes that their inner sentiments will be accurately expressed through their adopted human features. 

So the next time you see a tree, with or without a face, go up really close to it, introduce yourself, and make a facial expression that best summarizes your inner most feelings.  You might be surprised at the trees reaction. They are often quite happy to respond.

PS- I was planning on adding captions beneath each photo summarizing that tree's sentiments, but that might be best left to each viewer... If you come up with any that you feel like sharing, I'd love to read it in "comments".


  1. Creepy... That's some Blair Witch shit right there.

  2. hmmmm. I see you are not openly communicating with our tree bretheren, brother of mine!

  3. Would love to know where you purchased the last pic. Love it!

  4. Is there somewhere you can buy these? I have the fourth one but would like more?

  5. I must be using the wrong terminology when searching for sets to purchase because the only thing the ever pop up is "DIY". Which, admittedly, wouldn't be terrible, if I must, but I really like some of these exact faces and would LOVE to purchase - specifically the one with the leafy eyebrows and beard!! Just, OMG.

  6. I must be using the wrong terminology when searching for sets to purchase because the only thing the ever pop up is "DIY". Which, admittedly, wouldn't be terrible, if I must, but I really like some of these exact faces and would LOVE to purchase - specifically the one with the leafy eyebrows and beard!! Just, OMG.

  7. Absolutely fascinating art work.Would be honored to own # 4. Great artistry.
