
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finding Neverland

Many years back, I heard rants and raves about the movie Finding Neverland, but I didn't see it until just a day ago. And I loved it! It has been some time since I've seen a movie this touching and fun. Johnny Depp's depiction of JM Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, was charming and whimsical, and as far as I could tell he did it all with a convincing Scottish accent. And while Johnny Depp has always been one of my favorite actors, his performance has made JM Barrie one of my favorite writers (his performance and the brilliance of Peter Pan). 

The story follows the silly and sweet relationship Barrie forms with a widow and her four boys and how they inspire him to write a magical play about the boy who refuses to grow up. As payment for such inspiration, Barrie infects the family with his colorful imagination--which comes with its own controversy in high-society London around the turn of the century. The ending had me balling, but not for the obvious reasons, it was the beauty of his play that I found so poignant. Its the kind of thing that has you smiling as you cry, a sweet sadness that is also so happy.


  1. My sister and I watched this twice in one weekend and cried our eyes out both times.

  2. Such a special movie! BTW Did you know that Peter Pan, the Broadway production, is on tour right now? It's supposed to be great and will be in Chicago April-June.

  3. Jess, I am glad to know that I am not the only one who found this a tear jerker. I watched with Matt and tried to ball my eyes out covertly... I hate to seem overly sentimental with him! But he got it, he said, "You're supposed to cry! If I could feel, I'd be crying right now too!" (just kidding...)

    And I didn't know that Peter Pan was touring, Sarah! You should totally see it when it comes to Chicago. What a good excuse for Matt and I to come to the Windy City for a visit! I saw a production last summer in London and it was amazing... But I could use another!
