
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Las Islas Canarias: Tenerife

There are some things that mean more to me than I am able to share. My time on the beautiful island of Tenerife if one of those things. My year there was full of adventure, friendship and tons of growing up.  Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my favorite Spanish island. Maybe it's because its Carnival right now and that sparks my memory since Tenerife hosts the second largest celebration in the world! Or maybe because it's about time for me to go back and revisit the people and places that meant so much to me. It would be a trip to see this special place through more mature eyes! But something tells me I might revert to 17 again...

My year in Tenerife was full of happy times--that I can't put into words. And since this blog is mostly for me (I am selfish in that way) I  think I'll revisit some of those happy times through a few pictures.  Now, these are not the photos I took myself, since I went before digital cameras and I am too lazy to dig mine out of storage boxes and scan them (One of these days I'll share a couple of my own pictures of my host family and Thor and, of course, the mischief and mayhem of two young chicas...) but these below are a few images that match my happy memories! 


  1. Wow! Absolutely beautiful photos. I can see the island holds a special place in your memory and makes you happy. Want to go there now as well.

  2. Will you take me there?

    By the way, love, love, LOVE the new look of your blog. Outstanding!
