
Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Fred & George

Of course Fred and George Weasley were born on April 1st, they were pranksters and mischeif makers from the start. So today we say 'Happy Brithday' to the greatest ginger twins in all of storyland.

Adorable! Molly mama and Baby F & G! There's no way I can claim to be a super fan when there are fans making this kind of art!

I love the smiles!
And for anyone who only know of Fred and George through the movies (tsk, tsk) here they are, from Sorcerer's Stone to Deathly Hallows 1 (we cannot bear to think of the picture from Deathly Hallow 2 on this happy day).

Hope their birthday's a blast!

Mischeif managed.

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