
Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy 10 by Aimee

1. surfing

2. my niece

3. sitting in the sunshine smiling with a friend

4. petting kitty cats

5. eating delicious food

6. when i stop to realize how lucky i really am 

7. making people laugh out loud

8. running with brandy

9. seeing my gal pal emily shredding big waves

10. seeing my sisters with their new baby boys

Thanks Aimee, for sharing a wonderful list of happy things!  
If you want to share your Happy 10 list, read this post to find out how.


  1. Sorry the spacing is so off-- But an otherwise wonderful list! Thanks for sharing, Aimee!

  2. great exercise....thanks for the idea!

  3. Sorry for the strange spacing...and sue to a Blogger glitch, I've had to republish this post (a day later) so previous comments are lost :( Feel free to repost them!

  4. that's a lovely list! i also really like your cookie monster cakes in the previous post!
