
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ahhh... Stewart Mineral Springs

As one of many rewards for finishing law school, my mother took me on the most restorative trip through Northern California. We spent a few special days at a place called Stewart Mineral Springs- not far from Weed. Our days were divided between hiking and soaking in the naturally hot & bubbly waters.  It was so easy to connect with nature-- in fact, it would have been impossible not to-- and that was what I needed!

Here are some of my favorite photos of this special place. If you ever get a chance to go, don't pass it up! (oh, and if you view the photos and want to share the names of any of the wild flowers, I would appreciate it! I only know a few, and I would love to know the rest ;)

On the road heading to the springs
Our no-frills but very cozy cabin
Bright flowers on a tree/bush. Look like Lilacs, but pinker.  Deer brush?
Mom getting peaceful at the springs
Yellow cluster blooms
The river
Offerings left for the hot springs
...more offerings
rocks star
beautiful gnarled drift wood on the river bank
mighty and mossy
make a wish!
different yellow cluster blooms
lovely lupins
my favorite delicate pink flowers,
that grew in bunches at the base of trees.
Tee-pee me.
simple. yellow. sweet. I feel I should know what these are...
The long view from our morning hike
We watched the transformation as morning misty mountains-
-turned gold with the warmth of the sun!
We loved Mr. Bechum, the Springs cat
Walking Eagle gives pretty simple rules
St. Francis, patron saint of animals, watches over his special spot on the grounds. 
While an angles watches over her own.
Late spring blooms dotted the grounds.
We crossed over the rushing creek-
We thought about going in- That face says, "you do it, it's too cold for me!"
Proof it was too cold!
So we stayed on shore, with the butterflies (who show off their beautiful purple wings while they fly)
And made friends with a handsome Jay
Who decided we were alright, and came closer...
And nearly flew into my mom's head!
And when we left, Shasta was there to welcome us out of the hills,
and Shastina waved goodbye as we headed to our next special spot on our journey.

1 comment:

  1. I was just told on FB that the ones I have labeled lupins are actually grape hyacinths... and that was one that I thought I knew! OK readers, help educate me on my wild flower names!
