
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Movie under the stars

Last night, Matt took me out to a movie, an outside movie, actually,  in Old Town Pasadena. We saw the 1950's classic, Rebel Without a Cause, starring James Dean, Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo. It was such a special night! The evening was clear and warm, our bellies were full of a delicious dinner and our whistles fully whetted with a delicious martini (for me) and a french lager (for Matt).

Waiting for the movie to begin- in a cozy courtyard surrounded by shops and restaurants...

The beautiful twinkle tree under which we sat... 

And the lights go down, the crown goes quite, and we watch-

Such a great movie. It has been probably 15 years since I've seen it. I forgot how good it is! What a performance by James Dean... here are some clips to jog your memory too.

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