
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Things to look forward to in July

1. Moving to a new home that was built in 1909!
2. Visiting the channel Islands- seeing their tiny foxes*
3. Visit from mama*
4. King Kong 3-D*
5. Cook-out with the Blakes*
6. Hanging with Charlie
7. Shopping in Ventura*
8. Dinner with Heather & Eli
9. HP&DHp2 @ 12:01 am 7/15 !!!
10. Shakespeare in the park
11. Papa's b-day!
12. My b-day
13. Harry's (JK's) b-day
14. Getting a new coffee table*
15. Starting LOTR Return of the King
16. Going through my stuff and getting rid of clutter!
17. Movie in the cemetery
18. Did I mention the last Harry Potter movie?
19. Finish Weggie's sweater!

*I'm a little late on this one- busy taking in all the happy, so some of what I have to look forward to in July are already happy memories...  :)

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