
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cookie Overload

Yesterday was a baking frenzy... I made about 150 cookies to share for the holidays, and surprisingly, they all turned out great. I didn't burn them, or undercook them, or anything! The three kinds I made were double chocolate chunk, chewy ginger, and peanut butter with chocolate, toffee and pretzel bits. I got the recipes for the first two from this month's issue of Real Simple. But the peanut butter one I had to play around with and mix recipes from three different sources until I got one I liked.

The usual suspects didn't show up-- no chocolate chip or sugar cookies! But, there are still a few days left until Christmas, so maybe I'll whip up another batch or two. Although... I may have reached my own personal sugar maximum from my incessant nibbling yesterday. I mean, I couldn't gift the broken ones!

May your home be filled with the scent of fresh baked cookies!

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