
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Music-themed gifts

Hmmmm. You know he loves music. Or maybe she even plays an instrument. But what on earth kind of gift should you get them? I mean, short of that $3,000 hollow body guitar he's been wanting, or those season tickets to the symphony she's hinted for... 

These presents are sweet and silly and should tickle the fancy of any music lover.  

Maisy and Alice on Etsy
Musical Frogs at Pier 1

Flower Power Guitar Print

Composers' Busts from Music House Shop

Yellow Submarine shower curtain

Mechanical Music Box Set

Instrumental Lighting on Etsy
Welcome Bach Doormat 

Next, I might try my hand at perfect gifts for writers... hmmm. the wheels are already turning!

1 comment:

  1. Cute... but you are still getting me that natural Spruce PRS Hollowbody I with mother of pearl fretboard inlays, right???

    I already have a bust of Wagner.

