
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

O Christmas Tree!

This is our beautiful Christmas tree! We love it! It is so cheerful and festive and it seems to fit with our home. AND the kitties haven't tried to climb it or tear it up in any way... yet! So it's meant to be.

This is the first year that Matt and I have ever had a tree and it has been fun for both of us. We plug in the lights everyday right as it is starting to get dark and let the twinkling glow fill us with the warm fuzzies until bed time. 

I have already done one post on the homemade ornaments we made out of stamped dough- check out the  tutorial here- but I had to show off some of the other fun and festive goodies we have decorating the tree- most of them made by ourselves! 

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree! Much pleasure thou can'st give me!


What? You want to see Linus up close? OK...

and here is OB and Sherpa up close too... so as to not show favorites.

and, the love... awwwww.

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