
Friday, August 24, 2012

The 3 weeks leading up to our big move...

We are now in Scotland! It's still pretty surreal. We've planned this move for so long, but we still can't really believe we're here. I mean, it's not hard to slip into "tourist" mode and feel like we are here on vacation, but then we come to our flat and we have to get our mail and scoop out the cat litter... like we live here or something!

Of course, I have tons to share about getting here and how wonderful our flat is and how fun it was to take our first little jaunt around the city- but I'm not really set up to blog yet (I can't find the cord that uploads my pictures from my camera... our bags are still full and there's not a whole lot of organization to them, so I probably won't find it until everything gets unpacked). 

But I have a post that I wrote in pieces over the last 3 weeks and didn't get around to sharing, so here it is now. After Matt and I left LA on July 30th, we drove to Redwood Valley and spend 3 whirlwind weeks at my parent's place. The days flew by- there was so. much. to. do! But we managed to throw in a lot of fun times to the mix.

So... anyone curious as to what Matt and I did the 3 weeks we were in Nor Cal? Here's more than you wanted to know about the time in our lives we lovingly refer to as "the countdown"!

1. We celebrated my birthday with cake and presents!

2. We got mani/pedis

3. We visited with our siblings

4. We enjoyed a nice dinner with new friends.

5. Most days, we swam in Lake Mendocino.

6. We broke some rules.

7. We took multiple trips to the Goodwill.

8. We ate Kemmy's pies. Lots of Kemmy's pies.

9. We took bubble baths outside (complete with light up rubber duckies!)

10. We had a kick-ass garage sale.

11. We hung out with the Walkers out on Greenfield.

12. We had a fun farewell party.

13. We lost our favorite sunglasses on the bottom of the lake, dove down hundreds of times, and finally found them (and by 'we lost', I mean 'I lost' and by 'we found' I mean 'Matt found'!)

14. We drank Frey wine and Mendo beers.

15. We hung out with our besties.

16. We acted a little dorky.

17. We fell in love with Sarah's baby girl.

18. We talked about having babies of our own and both said what we usually say, "eh... maybe!"

19. We got massages and acupressure treatments.

20. We took the boys to the vet for their big "health certificate" check up.

21. We heard a lot of meowing.

22. We witnessed lots of dog love.

23. We got our papers in order, and made copies- so many copies- of everything.

24. We applied for many jobs.

25. We packed, and packed, and packed.

26. We drove to Sacramento to get the boy's paperwork stamped (more on this process later)

27. We stayed at a villa at Arden Hills Resort (more on this later, too)

29. We swam and played tennis.

30. We got special mama time.

31. We got a special visit from Byrd & Ilona, and had a night out together in Ukiah!

32. We got our fill of great Mexican food.

33. We helped a vet take a foxtail out of Greta's precious puppy paw.

34. We soaked in the hot tub.

35. First we scared Archie, then we kissed on him.

36. We made friends with Prince, aka. Big Butt, aka. Biggie.

37. We sat outside naked, played ukulele and watched an amazing meteor shower!

38. We checked out the museum in Willits, and saw the old hippy van.

39. We read this:

40. We read books, some of us even finished!

41. We used a lot of sun block.

42. We got haircuts. Bangs!

43. We rode the Skunk Train

44. We drank Skunk Train beer.

45. We saw millions of blackberries ready to be picked!

46.  We posed for this picture:

47. We decided we want to spend more time outside.

48. We had train fun.

49. We ate BBQ with the folks and Pat & Bonnie in Northspur.

50. We ate fresh blackberries and ice cream.

51. We saw hawks.

52. We saw wild turkeys.

53. We saw jackrabbits.

54. We saw giant Redwoods.

55. We enjoyed warm California evenings.

56. We convinced Uncle Pat to buy this big rooster for his yard.

57. We played on the engine

58. We played in the woods

59. We saw deer

60. We fed the feral kitties at the dam.

61. We went to the gym with papa.

62. We ate fresh from the garden.

63. We grilled all the time.

64. We Skyped with Julie & Brian.

65. We played with Greta.

67. We bought shoes.

68. We sang songs to Sherman. 

69. We said many goodbyes. 

70. We miss everyone!

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