
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Go-to Grateful

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
they are the charming gardeners
who make our souls blossom.  -Marcel Proust

I have taken a week off from my blog--something that I didn't plan to do. In fact, I had intended on posting something everyday (November is national blog month, or something). My intention to write something everyday wasn't foiled by the usual suspects. I wasn't too busy--even though life is even more hectic than usual-- I could still clear a minute or two to share something that makes me happy. It wasn't that I've been too lazy, either, which is often the reason I do not complete my to-do list. This last week, I just didn't feel happy. I felt scared and sad and anxious.

I heard bad news. News about a friend. The kind of news that reminds you that life is not fair, it's unpredictable and that bad things happen to people you love. This news just sat with me all week.

I visited my blog each day last week wanting to add something; not just for my own "post-something-everyday" goal but becuase I wanted to add a little happy to my world (which is why I made this blog to begin with). But I didn't add anything, I didn't feel like it.

I've decided to jump back in by sharing the most positive thing I have felt this last week- an overwhelming sense of gratitude.  So instead of focusing on the bad things happening around me, I've decided to remind myself of all the wonderful things in my own life.  I want to train myself to make gratitude a go-to feeling when I am unsure how to react to something.  Its been a slow process to pick up- anger, fear, worry- they are all easier for me to access but they aren't the most helpful feelings.

And there is another good reason to remind myself about all I have to be grateful for- it's that time of year. What better time than Thanksgiving to take the time to focus on the positive things in life.  So I am not going to wait until the 25th, I am giving my thanks now-  

I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful for my family- my loving husband with whom I feel so connected, my furry baby kitty boys, my brother who is my favorite person to talk with, both of my wonderful sister-in-laws, my father who lets me act like his baby girl when I need to, and my mom who is my guide.

I am grateful for my friends- They have given me joy and support for so many years.

I am grateful for my home- I have a bed. I have running water. I have a big tv ;)

I am grateful for animals- they have wisdom that I do not. Through them I feel connected to the world. They bring out the best in me and I feel so grateful to humans who dedicate their lives to making things right for all creatures.

I am grateful for my sense of right and wrong and for my own spirituality.

I am grateful for my sense safety.

I am grateful for my sense of individuality- I can speak my opinions. I can vote. I can come up with new ideas.

I am grateful for my green eyes.

I am grateful that I can read, and travel, and sing, and learn new things, and have hobbies.

I am grateful for imagination. 

I am grateful for food.  It is delicious and nutritious and I always have more than enough. 

I am grateful for my dreams... and my hopes for the future.

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