
Thursday, November 11, 2010


I feel grateful for moms.  Well, specifically, I am grateful for my mom.  She leads by example.  She is tough when she needs to be and gentle when she needs to be.  She asks questions. She gives advice. She is still the first person I turn to when I get bad news and she is always there to listen, and often more than that.  She acts. Sometimes her acts are nothing short of heroic.  She gives what ever she has to give.  She works hard. She tries.  She is still learning new things everyday.  She treats the sick the way she would want to be treated if she were sick. She laughs at herself, and at the rest of us. She snuggles with her dogs.  She knows a lot of useful information and she is resourceful.  She gives encouragement and criticism but stops when you've heard enough. She shines in times of crisis and yet sometimes she can be oh-so-silly.  I am happy she is my  mom.

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