
Thursday, April 12, 2012

500 dreams & Happy things!

This is my 500th post. I can't believe that I have shared that much! I am hoping that at least one or two of them made someone happy. For those who read this milestone posting, I give you the gift of music. The following videos are some songs that I have been appreciating for one reason or another, and maybe you will too! Enjoy!

Jake Shimabukuro is considered to be the best ukulele player in the world. And in this 8 minute video, he pretty much proves it.

My girl Amanda Palmer and her friend Jason Webley make up the gimmicky but interesting duo Evelyn Evelyn- who's music is a little dark and somber. This is them having a bit of child-like fun.

Leslie and the Lys song "Tight Pants/Body Roll" brings awesome to another level. Seriously, just let it get inside you and you will be busting out dance moves you didn't even know you knew.

I'm a sucker for kazoo. 'nuff said.

The Civil Wars is getting all kinds of attention these days, and rightfully so. But this little ditty is one of my favorites. Matt and I debate which one has the prettier voice :)

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