
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Good advice for *most* of us


  1. I love that video! I can't see it enough.

    Thanks for your comment! I'm still waiting to hear back from other agents on iSociety, and I'll send it out to a few more before I self-publish.

    In the meantime though ... I have two new short stories that are gonna be published in a lit mag! I got the email this afternoon, this lit mag and they're gonna post two of my stories! When the stories are posted, I will share the links on my blog. If you read it and comment and tell your friends, it would really help me a lot! =)

    Yes, it's my first time being published in any capacity, so I'm super excited.

    Anywho .... LA Times festival of books coming up! You going? Maybe I'll see you there. And we definitely STILL need to get lunch and catch up ... *sigh*

  2. CONGRATS! I'll send you an email ;)
